Django-Select2 version 3.1.1 released

Just released Django-Select2‘s version 3.1.1.

The key changes are:-

  • Updated Select2 Javascript library to versino 3.2. This new version fixes a lot of bugs, along with providing a high resolution icon image, to be used in Retina displays.
  • In my last release (version 3.0.2) I introduced some new template tags but unfortunately I did not update the and files to include that directory. That directory was missing in the released package. Now it is included and installed.

If you see the Changelog then you will notice that I jumped from version 3.0.2 to 3.1.1. In fact there was a version 3.1.0 in-between, but that was again a faulty package. That package had the templatetags directory but that does not install that. That was again due to some missing code in