Good old coding days

Today I noticed a Facebook post from Ubuntu.

It took me back to my 6th-8th grade school days. These kinds of interesting games with such graphics made me want to immediately code them on my own with my own little spin. They were hugely satisfying. At that time I did not own a computer at home so I would take a notebook and write pages after pages of codes. Then I would coax by dad to get access to computer at his office. His office had only one computer and that too only in my dad’s boss’ cabin. His boss was the head of the office.

Once I got the access to the computer, usually on off days, I would copy all the codes from my notebook to the computer and save it on my floppy disks (yup floppy disks). This would go on for few turns as computer time was limited. Then I would get the chance to finally test the codes.

There was some kind of charm to it and they got me real high.

Now I develop web based applications for a living. I am a full stack developer, in layman terms I build from the engines all the way to seat covers of a car. It has its high moments but I still feel I have and always have had an itch to create games.