New place, new face

As I reported before, I have moved to “cloud” based hosting from eApps. Moving to “cloud” was no easy task, and more than once it knocked the lights out of me. After many tussle and numerous tickets, rackets, hair uprooting exercises and under the hood tweaking, I guess now I can rest easy.

To celebrate this occasion and to save myself from further boredom of using the old theme, I have moved to this new theme. Hope you enjoy this. 🙂

OOh, BTW, the Bengali tag line under the banner is the literal translation of Apple and phonetic transformation of Grew. So, the Bengali text should be read as – Aaa-pel Gru. 😉

Moved to eApps Cloud hosting.

Looks could be deceiving. While to users and its children (cink and blog) may look the same as before, but under the hood they are running from a new server.

I have moved to eApps cloud based hosting plan from my previous VPS plan. Since for a few cents more I am getting more RAM and the flexibility to increase my hardware capacity in case of too much load.

After some hiccups yesterday, finally it is online and going good. 🙂