today reported about a unique project in which a program simulates the struggle to live on shared and limited resources. Though this concept is not new but the way it is being represented is new. Alongside is a screenshot from the video. Get a full description and download link by clicking the title of this blog post.
Category / Regulars
All posts which are not featured in the sliding header. This will be used to make sure featured posts are not shown twice on the home page.
Face filling Python script for Blender.
This is amazing. I actually forgot to post on my blog the Python script which I made for Blender. Get more insight into this script at Download the latest code from
Importing iTunes playlist ino Winamp, Windows Media Player or any other player.
I don’t like iTunes much, but I still use it, to syncronise my iPod Shuffle. I have hand-picked the songs on my harddrive and created a playlist in iTunes, which I sync with my iPod. The problem is, due to iTunes’ inability to save its playlist in anything but a cryptic XML or text format, it cannot be imported into any other player. I have now chanced upon a simple method to do that.
Open your intended target player (e.g. Winamp). Select all the songs in iTunes that you want to add to target player’s playlist (press Ctrl+A after clicking on any song entry in iTunes, to select all the songs). Now left click on any of the selected song in iTune and drag (while keeping your mouse button still pressed) to the playlist of the target player. Now all these songs have been added there!
I am irregular.
I have been very irregular for the past many days about posting on my blog. Sorry about that. It is due to part laziness and part study tension. Now my practical exams is on and later this month my end-sem will commence. So, I am very busy right now. When the exam ends in December I will try to be regular and post my promised ‘Digitisation Mathematics‘ system.
Convert any exe file to assembly language.
If you have MS Visual Studio C++ 6.0 installed in your system then you have an exe to assembly language converter. This is named DUMPBIN.exe. You can find this awesome utility at Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin folder. If you had chosen the default location then you will find this Microsoft Visual Studio folder in C:\Program Files.
To disassemble suppose The_EXE_File_Here.exe then copy it to that folder and open CMD (by typing cmd in Run… under Start Menu). Now use CD “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Bin” to goto that folder. Now type in
dumpbin /disasm /out:Disassembled.txt The_EXE_File_Here.exe
The disassembled code will be stored in Disassembled.txt in that folder.
It has still more features.
1) Use the command
dumpbin /imports /out:TheImportsList.txt The_EXE_File_Here.exe
to get a list of dll files The_EXE_File_Here.exe depends on. The list will also have the names of all the callable functions in those dlls. To get the list of the dlls ONLY the use /dependents instead of /imports.
2) Use the command
dumpbin /headers /out:HeadersInfo.txt The_EXE_File_Here.exe
This will print all the details about The_EXE_File_Here.exe‘s internals like the no. of sections it has, checksum, etc. and many statistics on the exe file.
3) Use the command
dumpbin /rawdata /out:RawDump.txt The_EXE_File_Here.exe
It will print the full code in binary along with ascii translations.
4) To get know about all the switches use
dumpbin /?
N-queen problem solving code in C++
To know what is this N-Queen problem is go here. My code can be complied using any ANSI complaint C++ compiler. I successfully compiled it using g++ and MS Visual C++ 6.0. I point I would like to mention is that when I ran this program for N=10 then it occupied 600kB when compiled using Visual C++ 6.0 and it took around 2300kB! I have to tried to keep memory requirement under check. It has respectable processing speed.
Get the code from For some reason the previous post of this code got deleted from pastebin. If you encounter such problem again then post a comment here. I will repost the code.